2018 Great Basin Anthropological Conference Student Poster Awards

The Great Basin Anthropology Association (GBAA) is proud to announce Student Poster Awards as part of the biennial Great Basin Anthropological Conference (GBAC). The first awards were made at the Las Vegas meetings in 2006. This award seeks to recognize the top three outstanding contributions of student research at a GBAC meeting. All student members of the GBAA are eligible and encouraged to participate. Posters will be reviewed by a committee of at least 3 GBAA committee members appointed by the GBAA Officers. Evaluation criteria will include the: originality and relevance of the research. quality of the arguments presented. quality of the visual presentation. The research presented must reflect the applicant’s work and not that of an advisor. There will be three awardees selected. The first place prize winner will receive a $400.00 cash prize, second place winner will receive $200.00 and third place $100.00. In case of a tie, funds will be distributed equally to awardees. Posters authored by more than one student may be submitted; the award will be presented to the primary author. The winners of the contest will be announced at the Banquet.

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2018 GBAC Nominations for the Founders Lifetime Achievement Awards Announcement

The Great Basin Anthropological Conference was organized by Jesse D. Jennings, James Bennyhoff, Robert Heizer and Alex Krieger in 1953 and the first meeting held at Gila Pueblo in Globe, Arizona in 1954. From its founding, the Conference has grown to the respectable 500-600 member Great Basin Anthropology Association that you see today, an organization filled with many exceptional individuals of local, national, and international renown.

We are now accepting nominations for the 2018 Founders Lifetime Achievement Awards, which recognize the exceptional contributions of members that have participated for more than 20 years in the development of Great Basin Anthropology. Read the ANNOUNCEMENT HERE.

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